Friday, January 23, 2009

Greeting Cards and Computers

Walk into any store and go to the greeting card section. There are greeting cards, that when opened, plays a digital song that is related to the topic of the card. For example, one card will play an actual clip of Queen's "My Best Friend" for an anniversary card. Did you know that the electronics in this greeting card has more computing power capabilities than computers made in the 60's?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Return to Blogging and Current News

It has been a while since my last post. Time flies. But, I felt compelled to start up the blog posts again because we, the world, is (or are) experiencing an incredible point in our time. It will definitely go down in the history books. Whether it is good or bad.....time will tell.

The housing bubble burst and everything is crashing. The stock market has been dropping triple digits for weeks. GM is at the lowest price it has been since 1950. People's 401k's and pensions has lost Trillions (with a capital T).

The trend in the news is definitely doom and gloom. But surprisingly, I am calm. I remember history. The 1929 stock market crash is famous. It was one of the key moments in time that depicted the great depression. Many people were down. Yet, there were people who saw opportunities. They prospered in the great depression and made millions of dollars. In today's value, this means billions.

I feel that there are and will be opportunities for people to take advantage of the upcoming recession. For instance, house prices have gone down to levels that I haven't seen since the 80's. There are currently bargains in the stock market.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

An Idea for Theme Parks such as Disneyland

I have live in Southern California all my life and with that, all the amusement parks are within an hour drive from my home. Disneyland is the biggie and on any given day, people are willing to wait in line for sometimes over an hour just to experience a 3 minute thrill ride....whoopie.

This isn't only happening at Disneyland. Knott's Berry Farm, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Universal Studios, etc....all have their big rides that is the reason tourists and visitors will pay the gate admission.

Each park seems to offer a VIP package. This is a more expensive entry fee that most often times include a special tour and experiences that the "regulars" don't often see or do. Some parks even allow the VIPs to cut to the front of the line. There are definately some angry stares and verbal assaults from the crowds that have been waiting under the blistering sun in the summer when the VIPs walk past and go to the front of the line.

Anyways, my idea is for each theme park to have a special line that is located away from the primary line. This line will allow anyone to pay an extra fee to enter this line. Most people will not entertain the idea of paying more money to ride a 3 minute ride. However, as a tourist, time is of the essence and they will want to ride as many rides as possible on their visit to the theme park......Some tourists save for years so that they can travel to a particular amusement park.

People are crazy and this will work...I know because commuters are willing to pay $10 for the toll roads so that he or she can save an hour to go to work or get home.....This is $10 each way, so that a person will easily spend $20 a day to commute round trip.

A few dollars a ride is not going to put a dent in a tourist's budget......heck, even some locals will be willing to pay 2 or 3 dollars more to ride a biggie ride if it allows them to save an hour or so.....

OK - if any of you theme park Imagineers or idea guys and gals read this and decide to utilize this idea, you may compensate my family and me with lifetime passes :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

International Travel Makes You Humble and Appreciative

I cannot believe that I really didn't start traveling to far off countries until my 30's.......The thing that spurned me to wake up and see the world was reading about a guy who was already retired and in a wheelchair. He said - travel when you can still walk and your stomach is still strong.
Don't make the mistake about saying you will travel when you retire. Do it now.

I woke up and threw a dart at a map. It hit Thailand. What a great country. The people are really friendly and the food is really awesome. I felt really comfortable and safe when traveling in this remarkable country.

But there were a certain things that made me humble and appreciative of my home country - USA. First of all, people in America gripe all the time about the government, economy, jobs, imports, exports etc.....and we all have the right to complain if we want....that is what makes America special.....freedom of speech allows us to say anything we want. In other countries, you felt constrained and you felt the people and media was restrained from speaking their mind.

The other thing that really made me appreciative about my Western ways - toilets. A lot of restrooms in Thailand have squat toilets. Basically these are holes in the floor. If you are doing #1 thats ok.....however, if you are going to do #2 - gets a little tricky. There are no charts in the bathroom for step by step use of these holes. Besides that, there is no paper. There are usually 2 cisterns with water in them and a bowl - I guess the bowl is to contain the water....then what do you get the water to splash up?

Anyways, that was an awakening for me. Ever since, I try to be aware about the whereabouts of the nearest luxury hotel. These hotels usually have western toilets with paper.....and is air conditioned.

And another thing....using the squat toilets in the middle of a humid summer day will bring down the most strongest willed steel man....I guarantee it.......there is nothing like being in a humid stall with torrents of sweat pouring down your face and body parts.

My tip to travelers.......bring a backpack that contains a roll of tissue paper, bottled water to wash up, hand sanitizer...bathrooms that do have paper usually require purchase from a vending machine. And when you do purchase the paper, it looks like the kind of paper that people use to roll cigarettes. thin and squarish in size......

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gary Halbert Has Passed Away

I just read my email and one was about the passing of Gary Halbert. I thought it was a joke but I searched a marketing forum and there was a post on the same topic by a respected marketer. I trust that he wouldn't post such a topic because it would be viewed as a sick and twisted marketing ploy.

But I believe it is true - and therefore, this post.

As I write this, I feel that a close relative or friend passed away. I am sad and my heart is heavy. I still cannot believe this is true.

Who is Gary Halbert? I suspect that in the next couple of days, you will see tons of posts, tributes, on this man. I didn't know him personally and never met him face to face. Gary Halbert was a famous copywriter and marketer. His sales letters were responsible for selling millions and millions of dollars of products.

He was responsible for making many entrepreneurs millionaires through his teachings. (books, seminars, newsletters.)

In fact, if you don't know who Gary Halbert is, please go to his website right now. Through the years, he posted free newsletters on copywriting and marketing.....

I had studied marketing before I learned about Gary Halbert. But once I read his materials, my marketing and copywriting improved dramatically - literally overnight.

Gary Halbert may not have invented these techniques but he is known for....... the A pile and B pile, the handwritten, stamped envelope, the starving crowd........

Gary Halbert will be missed.

Friday, March 30, 2007

How a Classic Computer Program Rival Today's Games

Everytime I read a novel and then see the movie based on the book, I am disappointed. Why? Because it seems the movie does not live up to the scenes, actions, images, that are depicted in the book. Our brains are incredible. One of its amazing functions is to convert text from the pages of a book and produce fantastic imagry in our heads.

Video games are no different from books. How? Check out the latest games and you will be blown away from the awesome graphics. Technology has allowed today's game to approach realism that is almost indistinguishable from the real world.

The sad part of all this is that it takes a little bit away from the creativity that is conjured up in the brain. We are becoming vegetables - sitting in front of a screen and taking in the game or even tv show without thinking......just opening a whole in our head and forcefed the material.

What am I rambling about? The topic above got me to thinking how much I really enjoyed the early days of computer gaming. They were simple and you actually had to use some brainwork to imagine or create scenes in your head to make up for the awful graphics.......

Text games were really special for me. Zork was incredible. It was a pure text game. You solved puzzles by interacting with the computer program with text sentences. By solving a puzzle, you received points. A perfectly solved game was when you scored the maximum points....... But more importantly, the scenes and puzzles that were displayed on the screen became vivid images in the brain - similar to reading a good novel.

I recommend that anyone who hasn't experienced this type of game - try it out......Inofocom, the developers of Zork actually offer a free download of the classic game (3 parts) a search on Zork, you will be taken to their website - you can read the history and the groundbreaking path the developers took to make Zork establish its place in computer history.

Friday, March 16, 2007

How a Beginner Entrepreneur Still Can Make Money on the Internet

Just about every day, one can find an article or broadcast about people who seemingly become millionaires or billionaires because of the internet. It seemed like these instant riches were easily derived somehow from the internet.

And if you were to jump in on trying to make money on the internet, you can only do a quick search on the search engines for "how to make money" - you will be deluged with tons of companies and people who, for a price, will hand you the secret to making money fast, effortlessly, and overnight.

Maybe. I'm a serious student of marketing - let's say its a hobby that I've had a hand in for many years. I'll be the first to admit that I am far from a guru and even an apprentice. Some might even call me a wet behind the ears rank beginner.

One can easily read books, listen to tapes, and regurgitate information about how to make money and easily sound like an expert. But has he or she actually practiced what they preached? Have they actually made a single dollar? Careful.

In this posts and future posts, I will tell my experiences and tell you about tools and marketing techniques I have used. You will be able to follow my failures and successes. If you gain an ounce of wisdom from my blog, then I will be happy.

Anyways, I just want to touch on how a rank beginner can still make money on the internet. It is not easy. It takes some learning. But you are almost guaranteed to make money.

I am talking about Ebay. In case you don't know, Ebay is an online auction site where people list ads/auctions on seemingly anything.........a few short years ago, it seemed that you could advertise anything on Ebay, and make money.

Today, you still can make money, its just you won't get as many successful bids and the outrageous high prices.

Its easy to get started on Ebay - excellent instructions are on their main purpose of this post is to guide you to Ebay to start your cash flow and get your feet wet on the internet. In the future, I will give you more tips for making money on Ebay along with other marketing techniques for other internet marketing.

If you have any old stuff around the house, try posting on Ebay. Go to a garage sale, flea market, or swap meet. Just get your feet wet. List and sell.......Yes, you will see that out of the 200 million registered users, someone will be interested in your product........

Happy selling!